Friday, December 23, 2011

Holiday Musing

Seasons Greetings Readers... (probably reader is more appropriate)
The holiday season is upon us once again. I hope everyone got their credit cards good and jacked all the hell as I did.  This xmas is pretty special since my kids are ages 3 and 4... they have discovered Rudolph, Santa, Frosty, and the Grinch. I cant wait to see their face light up on Christmas Day Morning when they see the presents under the tree. Those two are truly magically beings that give me the perspective I need during those times when life tosses  a shit sandwhich on my plate. Its truly amazing the lengths a parent will go to shield a child from the ugliness of life. I suppose its also out of selfishness that I do it to... You see, when I see my kids enjoying the simpliest of things with the highest of exuberance it fills me with happiness. Their souls are still so pure because they believe the world is full of happiness and optimism. They havent been beaten down by all the negativity that corrodes our souls. Children dont understand or see corruption. They see the good in everything. I will do everything in my power to allow them to sustain that good hearted nature because its cleansing for me to see that glimmer in their eyes that I lost so long ago. Being a parent is about giving the next generation opportunities you didnt have. Its about reviewing your own childhood and adulthood and passing on the positives you were fortunate enough to have experienced and minimizing the possibility of your kids having to suffer from the same pitfalls that caused you harm.
I guess that my two cents for the hoidays and parenthood. God Bless and enjoy you Christmas

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