Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Greetings Readers

As inspired by my esteemed brother in-law I have decided to try my hand at this blogging thing. If your at all amused by his blog ( then theres a good chance you may enjoy whatever childish and idiotic musings I may conjure up. Afterall.... we are family.

Not all of my postings will be completely moronic.. even I am forced to spew something of tangibility from time to time. We all know that not all of life is to be laughed at... just most of it.

A little background would suffice at this time I suppose...
I was raised in upstate NY where I unfortunately still reside. I have lived within 20miles of my birthplace for my entire life and quite honestly its waring on my ass in a bad way. I graduated HS somehow despite my best efforts to do as little as humanly possible to excel at anything other than Class Clownery and athletics. To me there are two types of people in this world... People who think I am funny and People with no sense of humor. If you didnt at least chuckle at that last line you already know which category you fall into! I have been working in the Electrical Generating and Transmission Industry since 1995.. the same year I finished high school. I live by the expression that "I dont live to work... I work to live"... I doubt I will ever be one of those people that cant get enough of going to work... Unless of course I win some sort of lottery and I can coach football and raise my kids as my "job"... Until then I will just start my countdown everyday I go to work as to when I can go home and do whats most important to me... be daddy

The accomplishment I am most proud of n this life is being a father. I have two beautiful children of whom I would easily lay my life down for. I became a father over 4 years ago already and its been the highlight of my life. I cant imagine my life without these little boogers... they truly keep me going. The greatest thing about being a parent is that no matter how shitty your day is going.. no matter what asshole is bugging you at work... No matter what bill is over due or however life is kicking you in the friggin nuts..... when I walk in that door and my little girl wraps her arms around my neck and my son rubs my face and says he loves me... all that shit goes away. There are a few people on this earth that should buy my kids all the toys they want because if not for them to ease my pain... there certainly would have been numerous ambulance rides for some folks!
I am a huge fan of sports... Baseball, football, golf, MMA...etc... I love most sports. I cant stand watching womans basketball, any kind of soccer. I can watch a little womens college volleyball but I honestly have no idea whats happening nor do i care... its like watching telemundo... just stare and smile, stare and smile : )
There will be a great many times during my blogging that I go off on tangents about my bleoved Cowboys. Thankfully for you the reader... you can simply ignore it and skip it!
I dont have any poiltical views so dont expect me to use this as some sort of delussional soapbox platform. For those of you enjoy all that bullshit.,.. here is my take... It doesnt matter who is in the white house or congress. They are all crooks who's sole purpose is to misappropriate our tax dollars and pound the fur off the american people. These idiots on TV who pontificate about the politicians are just as worthless. Over educated hate mongers who incite anger in people who share their same politcal motivations.. there are plenty of these jerkoffs on both sides of the equation. my take would be to ignore them as best as you can. Worry about shit that is within your control and you will live a lot longer.

I suppose thats enough for my intro! See ya on the Flip...L8R

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